Sunday, February 26, 2017

She's a Witch

This sigil is simply for a witch. Not just any witch, however – but for the one who has walked the path and knows it well. It is not for someone who dabbles or has recently started this journey. It is for the one who has devoted most of their time and their lives to the craft. The serious practitioner, if you will. It is designed for any word that one may use – shaman, pagan, vitki, volva, kona – it has all of those thoughts in mind. 

Artwork inspired by the sigil was designed by Killa Kamila, who shows a woman veiled and is surrounded by tools for witchcraft. More of her work can be found at

Sunday, February 19, 2017

She Who Cannot Hex, Cannot Heal

This sigil is obviously for the female. The concept is balance, and understanding that there is no black, white, or gray magic. It's just magic. Destruction is needed in order to create. Death encompasses life. I can go on and on, but the idea is the same.

The idea of being able to heal and destroy is not unique. From martial arts to hoodoo shamans, the idea of cursing and healing are natural and exist together. Humans harm and therefore must be able to heal. That is why soldiers receive first aid training. 

This sigil is more than just the idea of stitching up a wound that was cut. It is embracing all of what magic is. If a woman only limits herself to healing, she can never fully heal someone. True healing is impossible unless she knows how to cause harm. In order to bind evil, one must know destruction intimately. How could someone possibly be a tour guide in a town they have never been to? The idea is the same with healing. 

I joked with Ylveig that the final sigil looks like a duck. But in all honesty, my mind kept saying "swan." Why? Swans represent balance. They nest on land, spend their time in water, and can fly. That is the mind-body-spirit existing perfectly together. It ties back into the concept of curse work and healing existing at the same time. It is two sides of one coin. It is still magic. 

The artwork is designed by Killa Kamila, who perfectly shows a hand making a hexing sign, but is holding healing plants. More of her work may be found at

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Disir Calling

Photo Credit - Death Ritual

To the burned, the hanged, the beheaded. To the Hag, the Belly-slitter, the fate-weaver! The Mothers of Death, we call upon you! Release us from the rotting flesh that encases our spirit! Let us don the dreaded Wolf's skin, allow us to hide in the darkness to attack our foe! Give us strength in the face of despair! May our teeth gnash and our nails claw through the enemy. Doom is on the horizon - let us welcome it. LONG LIVE DEATH!